I am using the new Grafana 7.4 Timeseries panel. I can put multiple multi-axes with the units on each one. However, I cannot indicate the unit automatically on the graph. For example, if I have the unit stored in the database (influx), how can I automatically indicate the unit of each variable on each axis? Would it be possible to add an option in that panel that allows adding the query or variable that contains the units of the database? Or would there be another way to automate it?
I’m also looking for an answer to this question.
In Grafana 8.1.X a beta functionality called “Config from query results transform” has been added. With this option it is possible to change some settings of the dashboard in Grafana using queries from the database. Therefore, this has been applied to being able to read the unit of the variables from the database so that the graphs are updated directly with it.
However, this functionality still does not allow indicating more than one unit per graph since only one transformation of config from query can be done. When is it expected to be implemented?
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