Grafana cloud exporter config issue - using prometheus yaml to configure grafana agent yaml

Hello, firstly apologies for long topic…

I have a Grafana Agent config yaml defined that successfully scrapes metrics (one being an node-exporter and the other being a BSBMP exporter for a Bosch sensor) and pushes them to my Grafana Cloud; and I have a working dashboard that shows the metics. All good.

I’ve installed a new prometheus 3rd party exporter (fffonion’s tplink-plug-exporter) as a cron job on my Raspberry Pi at boot time - this is working, but I am unable to scrape metrics and I believe this to be a problem in the grafana-agent.yaml config. Using python script I am able to see the device stats direct for which the tplink-plug-exporter ought to be scraping.

fffonion has a prometheus config yaml but I can’t seem to get the correct pattern to migrate which part of the original prometheus configs to the correct grafana agent sections without this either a) causing the agent to fail or b) active run but no metrics being scrapped (verified when I parse the http endpoint [] of the exporter’s port)

I understand that Grafana agent is a ‘cut-down’ prometheus so my limited knowledge assumes that the configs wouldn’t be of 100% parity either

Below is the sample prometheus config yaml for fffonion’s exporter of which I have assumed that this should be placed under the ‘metrics:’ section. But the prometheus yaml relabel configs: section always stop the agent from running be these are in either integrations:, logs: or metrics: sections.

# scrape kasa devices
  - job_name: 'kasa'
    - targets:
      # IP of your smart plugs
         metrics_path: /scrape
      - source_labels : [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        target_label: instance
      - target_label: __address__
        # IP of the exporter
        replacement: localhost:9233

# scrape kasa_exporter itself
  - job_name: 'kasa_exporter'
      - targets:
        # IP of the exporter
        - localhost:9233

Below is my Grafana Agent yaml config metrics section (I have not got any of the above config in either the Integrations:, logs: or global: sections

   - name: integrations
       - basic_auth:
             password: <redacted>
             username:  <redacted>
      - job_name: bmp280
          - targets: ['localhost:9756']
# Start - 8x lines below for TP-Link plug (Kasa) Exporter
# Scrape Kasa device
      - job_name: kasa
          - targets:
# Scrape tplink-plug-exporter
      - job_name: kasa_exporter
          - targets:
            - localhost:9233
# End - entry for TP-Link Kasa 

I’m really confused having tried to read through the prometheus docs and would appreciate any guidance on what to do please?