Hello guys,
I’m trying to connect from a VPS with Grafana to anoter VPS with many
databases. I can’t make the connections and i try all ways .
Give us one or some examples of what you have tried, otherwise we don’t know
what you might be getting wrong.
First VPS si with centos 7 and second is with centos 7 + cPanel + csf
firewall ( iptables ).
Can you connect from the Grafana VPS to the MySQL VPS either using the MySQL
client or just with telner to port 3306?
Btw, I think I read 30 topics in that forum but no way.
That’s no help unless we know which one you read and what you did after
reading them.
Can someone help me to make that connection?
First, install the MySQL client onto the Grafana server and try:
$ mysql -h VPS.with.MySQL.on.it -u MyQSL_username -p
You can specify VPS.with.MySQL.on.it as a hostname (if it’s DNS resolvable) or
an IP address.
If that connects, you know your networking is okay and you have a valiud MySQL
account to connect from the Grafana server, so we can focus on the Grafana
side of things.
If that does not connect, we need to look at the networking and/or the MySQL
account settings, and there’s no point in introducing Grafana to the mix at
this point.
Right now I’m testing Grafana…i would like to implement this in my servers
infrastructure ( 300 servers ) but right now i’m stuck for that database
Btw. i’m newbie in Grafana. Thanks!
How experienced are you with networking and MySQL?