Is it possible to change the date format shown on the grafana historian datasource dashboard graphs? The UI doesn’t give any such option.Thanks
November 8, 2017, 7:18pm
No there is no option for that yet
Thanks for your reply. Can I modify the grafana code to use different date format? Will it work?
January 5, 2018, 10:06am
I would love to be able to change this formatting that looks totally weird to my European eyes. Are there plans for it?
January 7, 2018, 10:25pm
There is an open ticket for localising the date format over at Github:
opened 09:11PM - 10 Feb 15 UTC
closed 02:34PM - 07 Sep 20 UTC
Hello dear developers team.
Thank you for a awesome product, but I have one prob… lem.
Now there is a hadcoded US date format in [time_format function](
The most annoying case is display month and day. When I see something like "2/3" I'm a bit confused. Is it "the second of Mart" or "the third of February"?
The most sad thing, that I can't to configure this behaviour.
Unfortunately the simplest way (and may be the most proper) doesn't help here. I mean [toLocaleString]( with additional options. You can return different array of options instead of hardcoded format pattern and this method convert date in accordance with a right locale.
But in our case there is a jquery plot and it requires date format for converting timestamp by itself.
So, the second way is make some kind of mapping locale -> format array. [Example]( It seems a bit ugly. But it could be a single working solution.
May be I missed some obvious and better solutions. That's why I didn't create a pull request. =)
opened 09:57AM - 04 Mar 16 UTC
In Europe, South America and Russia the [decimal mark](… wiki/Decimal_mark) is a _comma_ and the thousand separator is a _point_. Let the user choose to format numbers in this way will make graphs a lot more readable for non US readers.
The same for date formatting.
I’d like to see wider adoption for formats across Grafana, including date/time (I often get confused with the American MM/DD format) and consistent number formatting of numbers across plugins (for instance, World Map does not add a thousand separator).
May 7, 2019, 3:33pm
Is there any progress on this?
For compliance purposes, it would be great if we could use ISO 8601 dates in the UI. Any progress on this?