Grafana Flowcharting plugin not working

I’m reposting this here because I didn’t get any response on server fault

I have a grafana server (6.3.5) and I’d like to add the Flowcharting plugin. I’ve followed the installation instructions in the official documentation and did as follow :

sudo grafana-cli plugins install agenty-flowcharting-panel

installing agenty-flowcharting-panel @ 0.9.1
into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins

✔ Installed agenty-flowcharting-panel successfully

Restart grafana after installing plugins . <service grafana-server restart>

sudo service grafana-server restart

I can see the plugin installed in the plugins list but when I create a new dashboard and add a flowchart panel, I can’t configure it. In the visualization tab there’s nothing and the panel appears invisible except for a little arrow to change the size.

I don’t see any error in the grafana log.


I think the plugins of FlowCharting 0.9.1 not backward compatible with Grafana version 6.
You need to upgrade the grafana to latest version 8.1.5, but you need to check all the old panel manually to see which one that broken. This is because the major changes of the Grafana.

Fadjar Tandabawana