Grafana for IoT data Visualization in Python and C

Zerynth has recently launched its new product for IoT development, the Zerynth Device Manager (ZDM), in Beta. ZDM is a device and data management service that makes it easy to securely register, organize, monitor, and remotely manage IoT devices at scale.

After aggregating the data with ZDM it is possible to visualize them in different dashboards including Grafana. Below I leave you the link to the tutorial we made to connect the Zerynth Device Manager to Grafana.


Zerynth Device Manager is a new product, and we would like to know what our users think about it. We would also like to know if there are features you would like to see in the future.

That is why the Device Manager is in the Beta version right now. Report any feedback you have in this Forum category.

We have also created extensive documentation for the Zerynth Device Manager. You can begin your journey by reading the Getting Started guide on our website. You’ll learn the basic terminology, how to access the ZDM, and you’ll get to see some useful examples.