Grafana getting the value of a variable in summary and removing fields

Hi All, we are getting the alert in slack channel from Grafana as below. Summary is defined as “Alert for Low {{ $value }}” in the rule. However I just want the value of A which is 271 instead of the whole junk string which you see in the alert. Will it work if i change {{ $value }} to {{ $A.value }} ?

Also I dont want the fields Value: , grafana_folder(under Labels), Source and Silence sections in the alert. How do I remove that?. I cant seem to find an option. Grafana version is 9.4.3


Value: A=271, B=271, C=1


alertname = Alert for low count

grafana_folder = MyAlert Annotations:

summary = Alert for Low [ var=‘A’ labels={} value=271 ], [ var=‘B’ labels={} value=271 ], [ var=‘C’ labels={} value=1 ] Source: https://link… Silence: https://link

Hi! I’d recommend taking a look at this Grafana Alerting: A beginner's guide to templating alert notifications.