Grafana is taking too much time to communicate with prometheus

Hi All,

I am using grafana with Prometheus, i am facing one issue that is grafana is taking too much time to update any metrics.

Example - If any of my instance is down then grafana show after 5 minutes that instance is down same in start condition. can i decrease this time that it will check after 2 minutes to promethues. In prometheus i can see that instance is in stopped state but grafana taking 5 minutes to update single states.

Have you tried to change or adjust the scrape interval on the data sourcce settings or refresh on load ?

Do you have other data sources ? Do you need to update your grafana ? Any settings on your promethius ?

You can also adjust the dashboard refresh interval ?

Scrape interval This will be used as a lower limit for the Prometheus step query parameter. Default value is 15s.

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