Grafana Keycloak Integration


I am facing issues while integrating grafana with keycloak. I have created client in keycloak and below is the custom.ini file. However when i click on grafana page, it is not redirecting to keycloak. please help me in this issue.

enabled = true
name = OAuth
allow_sign_up = true
client_id = grafana
client_secret = fa7db7d1-d815-417a-9c4d-bcb33483a46d
auth_url =
token_url =

;allowed_domains =

You didn’t post full Grafana config. So just guess: you have still configured local Grafana authentication (disable_login_form = false) and also skipped ouath auto login (oauth_auto_login = false), so you can’t expect that you will be automatically redirected to the Keycloak in this case.

BTW: https is mandatory for Open ID Connect protocol and you don’t need Direct Access Grants Enabled for Grafana.

No. You didn’t post full Grafana config again. Please provide How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example - Help Center - Stack Overflow