I am rather newish to Grafana and especially new to trying to troubleshoot it.
There are 16 graphs on the one dashboard. I have a dataset that I am pulling from Home Assistant that has collated around 6-7 months of data, every minute. When I show the data at small time frames everything seems to come up without any issues.
If I try and pull the last year’s worth of data into the graphs, only some of the 16 shows up during most calls of a refresh. Yet sometimes, everything displays as expected, although this is the exception and not the rule. And there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to which one will display “no data” and which ones work.
I can get the data, I didn’t see that drop-down box selector before. I run Graphana on the tablet and then do the search on InfluxDB itself and it works on Influx every time
The InfluxDB is running on a Synology NAS Docker instance… and HomeAssistant is running on a RPi 4. It is connected to the same network switch with connected FE between them.
AFAIK everything is measured in “$” so I’m not sure why I get such a smaller dataset when I put that measurement in… maybe I’ve done that line wrong?
I think I solved it as there was more than one value data causing some bizarre outputs… this is HA’s input fault… it must have not been including the value type for some time somewhere a long the line: