Grafana not reading results properly

Hello o/

My problem is the following

I have this text


Origem: 4

Mensagem: Parametro invalido: CHASSI_INVALIDO: chassi

Gateway: 2

Versao: v20170130

Layout: BASERNS2

Data: 2017-04-10 10:00:04.592

And grafana (doesnt matter the panel) reads like this

ID: Origem: 4 Mensagem: Parametro invalido: CHASSI_INVALIDO: chassi Gateway: 2 Versao: v20170130 Layout: BASERNS2 Data: 2017-04-10 10:00:04.592

How can I get for Grafana to show the result properly, with the ‘new line’?
Is that even possible?


What panel are you using? No core Grafana panel supports multiline text. Or are you trying to use this as text in an annotation event?

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Hello there

Thanks for the answer.

I tried with table and singlestat.

Oh… Do you have any suggestions? I would be really grateful D:
