Grafana x HTTPS

Hi all,
could you please help guiding me in configuring Grafana with https ? Our Grafana environment is in Linux CentOS. I have tried some documentation without success.

Thank you so much.


You’ll need to run Grafana behind a reverse proxy. Grafana itself doesn’t support HTTPS. See

Hi mefraimsson,
thank you so much for response.

From now, I get courious. What the parameter (protocol = https) in grafana.ini is good for ?


When having root_url = %(protocol)s://%(domain)s:%(http_port)s/ which basically are used for Grafana to understand what the public facing url. There’s a lot of confusion around these settings, but in normal cases we recommend setting root_url = https://<your public facing url>/.

I am trying to configure graffiti by https but they indicate that it is not compatible. Is there any possibility to configure https with certificates to serve the page safely?

I have ubuntu 18, apache and latest version of grafan

I am trying to configure graffiti by https

I am confused. Which graffiti are we talking about here? Can you give a link
to the project page? I can only find it as a handwriting recognition for Palm
OS, or a rather specialised application used in maths and chemisty…

but they indicate that it is not compatible.

Who are ‘they’?

Is there any possibility to configure https with certificates to serve the
page safely?

You can convert HTTP to HTTPS (and vice versa if you want) with a reverse
proxy, and you can convert any TCP protocol to use TLS with stunnel.

