Grafanalib Failing to Post Data to Graphs

I am using grafanalib to go format requests to send to Grafana.
I am using the t_oil dataset as reference.

However, after I run my program, I cannot even click on the “Edit button” to go to the information panels.

Link to Grafanalib: GitHub - weaveworks/grafanalib: Python library for building Grafana dashboards

Dataset schema:

public=# \d+ t_oil;
                                      Table "public.t_oil"
   Column    |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target | Description
 region      | text    |           |          |         | extended |              |
 country     | text    |           |          |         | extended |              |
 year        | integer |           |          |         | plain    |              |
 production  | integer |           |          |         | plain    |              |
 consumption | integer |           |          |         | plain    |              |
Access method: heap

I think my issue is with how I am formatting the timeseries.
I am putting the SQL expression in ‘expr’.
I am just trying to get the data into the graph, using a SQL command to do so.

I have the Postgres database setup, and I was able to successfully create other graphs, so I know it’s not a datasource issue.

I have two panels because I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t dealing with some kind of default panel.

I should mention I get the following message after I run the program →

200 - b’{“id”:13,“slug”:“python-generated-example-dashboard”,“status”:“success”,“uid”:“”,“url”:“/d//python-generated-example-dashboard”,“version”:1}’

It is a status 200 message, which makes it confusing as I do not know what to do with this, seeing as the panels do not actually appear.

from grafanalib._gen import DashboardEncoder
from grafanalib.core import (
    Dashboard, TimeSeries, GaugePanel,
    Target, GridPos,
import json
import requests

class GrafanaVisualization:
    def __init__(self):
        self.expr = ""

    def grafanaPostExample(self):
        dashboard = Dashboard(
            title="Python generated example dashboard",
            description="Example dashboard ",
                    title="Python Generated - Oil Example",
                            # datasource='PostgreSQL_LocalHost_Test',
                            expr='SELECT year AS \"time\", production AS metric FROM t_oil WHERE country=\'USA\'',
                            legendFormat="{{ handler }}",
                    gridPos=GridPos(h=8, w=16, x=0, y=0),
                    title="Python Generated - Oil Example 2",
                            # datasource='PostgreSQL_LocalHost_Test',
                            expr='SELECT year AS \"time\", production AS metric FROM t_oil WHERE country=\'USA\'',
                            legendFormat="{{ handler }}",
                    gridPos=GridPos(h=8, w=16, x=0, y=0),
        return dashboard
        # .auto_panel_ids()

    def grafanaDashboardCreator(self):
        dashboard = self.grafanaPostExample()
        dashboardJSON = self.get_dashboard_json(dashboard)
        authToken = "<ASSUME WORKING AUTH TOKEN>"
        self.sendGrafanaData(dashboardJSON, "localhost:3000", authToken)

    def get_dashboard_json(self, dashboard, overwrite=False, message="From python, updated by grafanalib"):
        get_dashboard_json generates JSON from grafanalib Dashboard object

        :param dashboard - Dashboard() created via grafanalib

        # grafanalib generates json which need to pack to "dashboard" root element
        return json.dumps(
                "dashboard": dashboard.to_json_data(),
                "overwrite": overwrite,
                "message": message
            }, sort_keys=True, indent=2, cls=DashboardEncoder)

    def sendGrafanaData(self, theData, server, apiKey, verify=True):
        headers = {'Authorization': f"Bearer {apiKey}", 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
        print("headers: " + str(headers))
        r ="http://{server}/api/dashboards/db", data=theData, headers=headers, verify=verify)
        # TODO: add error handling
        print(f"{r.status_code} - {r.content}")

    def createDataSource(self):
        # TODO: Be able to create data sources.
        print("Under construction")
        return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    grafana = GrafanaVisualization()

Thank you!

are you trying to push live data to a dashboard? Like grafana live?

why not use python to build a rest api and then use a JSON api plugin? Or use the prometheus exporter python client?

I am trying to push data to grafana, and if you see the code above, you will see I am indeed using python’s request library to call the grafana API. I am asking for help with the way I have formatted it.

maybe make an issue over in the weaveworks repo?