I am new to k6 and just downloaded it. I am trying to test a locally running GQL API and in that documentation linked above there is no mention of command to run, where to put your file, etc. Based on some searching it looks like I should run k6 run <path/to/file> (I didn’t realize I couldn’t run it with node for example). When I follow the steps in the documentation and use k6 run myfile.js I get Making http requests in the init context is not supported
Something obvious I am missing? Excuse my novice, just seems a little tricky for very beginners to follow
Hi @Elibarick thanks for the response. I am on Windows (I know, boo).
Sample code is modified to run vs a local API that doesn’t require auth headers and has a very simple schema that returns a floating point number between 0 and 10 that is randomly generated.
This returns a GoError: Making http requests in the init context is not supported error. Both were run using k6 run.
Maybe my modifications of the original documentation is the problem, I do think it would be helpful in that doc to mention how to run the examples though. Thank you for your help