Hi to all.
I’ve a table in this format:
datetime | energy
I’d like to create a graph that represents the energy by months, so in the x-axis
January, February, March, April, etc.
And for each month a serie for each year, showing the sum of energy for that month and that year, to compare the energy each month in all years.
I’m thinking it’s not possibile in grafana…
Thanks a lot.
I’m using Mysql.
The group by feature works for tables, but not for graphs.
If I change db, changes the behavior of grafana? (sorry I’m learning grafana since few weeks…)
Im using InfluxDB amd have the same problem. I have an energy counter data and want to get a monthly statistics, i.e. January power consumption = 01 Feb meter readings - 01 Jan meter readings, and so on. Still dont get how to do it
@angeroluca - Group By should work for graphs as well - can you put a csv of your table somewhere online? Ill see if I can create the graph sometime today.
@alexsmart - Can you go toggle the “Text Edit Mode” for the query and post it your query here?
Thanks, you can download the CSV (with the result I would) here: WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free
The columns are:
IDImd: ID record
IDImp: ID for the plant
DataOra: date/time of the record
Anno: year of datetime
Mese: month of datetime
Prodotta1: energy of that period
In the excel file I put the graph like I wold see in grafana, if possibile.
Thanks for your support.
Hello. i am using influxdb and grafana under home assistant. i tried to create the format you propose but it is not workig for me. i have a daily total consumption that i would like to graph as yearly consumption. When i use group by 4w it will take the max value recorded in the group of 4w. if i group by 1d, the total value is correctly calculated, but the graph splits the bar in a daily view. how can i configure grafana to show me the grouped by 4w but to show me the toal value of the energy cosumed in the 4w?