- What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
Windows 10 / Grafana v7.5.6
- What are you trying to achieve?
I have two separate tables that have information about a common location, what I would like to do is combine the information of the two tables centered on the location.
The issue is that its combining/reducing all the information of both table A and table B into a single point.
For example if the Points table is setup like this -
Date, Location, Temp, Humidity
date1, (Lat, Long), 80, 20
date2, (Lat, Long), 75, 15
date3, (Lat, Long), 78, 10
date4, (Lat, Long), 77, 12
And Locations Table is setup like this -
Location, City, Contact, Stations, Type
(Lat, Long), Metropolis, weather@city.com
(Lat, Long), , , 3, JSON
I would like the table to look like this (order doesn’t matter) -
Date, Location, Temp, Humidity, Location, City, Contact, Stations, Type
date1, (Lat, Long), 80, 20, Metropolis, weather@city.com, 3, JSON
date2, (Lat, Long), 75, 15, Metropolis, weather@city.com, 3, JSON
date3, (Lat, Long), 78, 10, Metropolis, weather@city.com, 3, JSON
date4, (Lat, Long), 77, 12, Metropolis, weather@city.com, 3, JSON
- How are you trying to achieve it?
So after I created the panel, I then used two search queries A & B,
Select * from Points
Select * from Locations Group By "Locations"
Then I clicked on the Transform
Tab and selected Outer Join
centered on Location.
- What happened?
The table that is produced looks like this -
Date, Location, Temp, Humidity, Location, City, Contact, Stations, Type
date, (Lat, Long), 77, 15, Metropolis, weather@city.com, 3, JSON
It’s a single entry from Table A (possibly an Average?)
- What did you expect to happen?
I expected all the rows from Table A to be present and then for table B to fill in the extra data on top of table A.
Can anyone give me a hand in setting this up?
Thank you in advanced