Help with simple alert (screenshots provided)


I have multiple query lines as seen below from A to DX and I simply want to create an alert of any of those queries from A to DX go above 1 for 10 mins, how would I do that?

The only way I can see doing it is adding an expression per query which would take forever.

Is there are way to just say look at any query above and if it’s over 1 for 10mins then alert?


can’t you merge all the other queries in a single one?

I don’t know FluxQL but using Flux you could use join functions or union to “merge” in one single table and that way it will be easier… I think.

I’m not sure if that is possible, or I don’t know.

For example all the queries are similar and look like this:

SELECT last("ifInErrors") AS "SVR16 In Errors switchport 8", last("ifOutErrors") AS "SVR16 Out Errors switchport 8" FROM "autogen"."interface" WHERE ("agent_host"::tag = '' AND "ifDescr"::tag = 'X6-48t-2q-4c Port 8') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)

and another

SELECT last("ifInErrors") AS "SVR17 In Errors switchport 8", last("ifOutErrors") AS "SVR17 Out Errors switchport 8" FROM "autogen"."interface" WHERE ("agent_host"::tag = '' AND "ifDescr"::tag = '690-48t-2q-4c Port 8') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)

How would I merge these 2, if I can do that maybe I can do the other 40 or so into one?

Don’t know Flux QL, but seems similar enough to SQL, on SQL you can query tables from different data sources and join them. should be the same.

I don’t know how to do it but should be possible.