How o install & configure the grafana on AWS ec2

Hello everyone,
I want to install & configure the grafana on aws ec2 instance, for this I go with following cmds
sudo yum update
sudo yum install docker -y
sudo service docker start
sudo docker pull grafana/grafana
sudo docker run -d --name=grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana
then I try to on google page but I am not able to open or login to grafana page . so please help where to correct my mistakes ?

And I edit the inbound rule & 3000 port is opened.
please help then I will very thankful

Best regards

Could you please check once if your service had come up properly by doing a systemctl status grafana-server.service make sure it’s running fine there. Because while reading your post my first guess was may be you haven’t opened the port but you had done the hard part :slight_smile: so better make sure your service is up and fine on first please please

R. Singh

You should consider deploying the application as Fargate service. Here are some Terraform implementations that might serve as a good start