SELECT time, sensor_id AS metric, "measure_value::double"
FROM "sensordb"."temp"
WHERE "measure_value::varchar" IS NULL and
sensor_id IN (
With the “Prepare Time Series → Multi-Frame Time Series” transform.
I want to set for each “sensor_id” my custom label and change the color for each Gauge to my personal custom value? (For example red, blue, …)
How can I do this?
Is it correct that I have to structure the order of my gauge in the sql query? How would you do this?
No I have there something like “value 28-3ce1045708a9” for each gauge. But I would like to write a custom label. For example “Watersensor”, “Heatersensor” …
Show us what you mean by is not working?
Also time and time series related stuff does not apply as you are using a gauge and not a time series visualization.
I don’t want to color the gauge on a specific value. I want to make for example the first gauge with a specific id always red. (independent from the value)
that is not possible. there are a few things not making sense with your visualization
you have time series readings for different devices but you want to show them in gauge visualization. In this case your time column is really not useful as you will not see that value but now it creates way too many gauges since there many time series of data for each sensor. You will need to figure what visualization you want to use if time is involved. but if you insist you want to use gauge then time column is throwing things off. hence you might maybe need to get the latest reading for each sensor.