we already have Grafana and Prometheus and a fluent bit in our EKS cluster now we want to integrate Loki for seeing logs, how we do this.
and also we want to remove EFK stack with Loki stack so it is good option ?
You need firstly decide what you wants,
Loki does the same as elasticsearch in another way, you need to explain better what you mean by saying “we want to integrate loki for seeing logs”.
Loki is more complex to manage then the efk stack (the elasticsearch part), it could be a good option, depends on what you want to do with the logs.
we already have an EKS cluster on AWS where we already install grafana,Prometheus, fluentbit and Elasticsearch.
and via EFK stack we are seeing MS logs .
Now we want to install Loki and migrate EFK to the grafana-loki stack so that we can do this integration.
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