Does anybody know if its possible to create an alert to be triggered if the current value in an InfluxDB time series is below 5% of the maximum value within the last 24 hours
I’ve tried a few things out and failing badly
Does anybody know if its possible to create an alert to be triggered if the current value in an InfluxDB time series is below 5% of the maximum value within the last 24 hours
I’ve tried a few things out and failing badly
I’m not familiar with the configuration of alerts, but I can give an example of
a query which gives a result under the conditions you asked for - maybe that
select last from (select last(RTT),max(RTT) from mqtt_consumer where
Dir=‘outbound’ and time>now()-24h) where last<max/20
If the last value is less than 5% of the maximum in the past 24 hours, you get
the last value.
If it isn’t, you get nothing.
Maybe that helps you create an alert?
Thanks Antony, I will give your approach ago. Thanks for taking the time to reply