How to disable sorting option in table plugin

I have used the table plugin in which I want to disable the sort option I have tried setting false to desc in sort type but when I click on the table header sorting works I want to disable the sorting option table plugin
Kindly let me know the option to disable it

can you include a screenshot of what you’re trying to achieve, and do you think you could try and replicate this on our public sandbox, :pray:

also grafana version is crucial. This plugin gets a lot of development

Hi Mat,

Pls, find the Grafana sandbox attached in which you could see that when we click on the table header the sorting takes place, I want to disable the sorting that takes place. That’s what I want to achieve but I can’t find any options to disable the sort.

Grafana version that I am using in V8.5.2

Hi Mat,

Pls, find the Grafana sandbox attached in which you could see that when we click on the table header the sorting takes place, I want to disable the sorting that takes place. That’s what I want to achieve but I can’t find any options to disable the sort.

Grafana version that I am using in V8.5.2

This is not possible.