Using Grafana v8.2.1 (88622d7f09) and the Node Graph Panel, with a mysql datasource, I want to set the units to seconds (so that it will automatically show days or weeks when appropriate, like some other panels do) for the mainStat and decrease the number of decimal places shown and otherwise do field overrides. Right now, both stats on the nodes are showing 2 decimal places, and no units. Also, the legend just shows “mainStat” and “secondaryStat”; I want to change those labels like I can do with other panels.
The documentation for this panel states all this is possible, but doesn’t say how.
I can do this with some other panels in the side pane, “standard options”. The standard options doesn’t show up for me for the Node Graph Panel. I’m willing to plug values into the JSON, but I haven’t found the right values to make that work either.
I don’t see any errors in the UI or in the logfile related to this.
THANKS for any help or pointers.