How to give different time ranges for grafana panels ?, (I am using azure monitor as data source)

As depicted above I need to change the time range from 6 hours to 5mins, but once I have changed it, other panels time range changes in that dashboard as well. Is there anything I can do to change the time range only for one widget? , there were some similar questions and answers but most of them are outdated and related to influxDB , It would be great if someone can help me with this issue, Thank

Hi @chamathjayasekara99,
You can set different time ranges for any data source by using “Query options” → “Relative time”. Please check answer on next link:


Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Thank you so much ! for your response, Also one question, Is it possible to remove the time picker from each panel ?, can it be done changing the json format of the query ?

Can you show me what do you mean by term “time picker”?

If you are referring to blue letters that appear in upper right corner of a panel e.g. “Last 1h” when using Relative time option, you can toggle that off by clicking on “Hide time info” inside Query Options.

Best regards,

I need to remove this circled rime picker.

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Why you want to remove it? What issue are you trying to solve?

Hi @chamathjayasekara99,
You can hide time picker in Dashboard settings (cog icon) -> General.

Best regards,