How to merge Bar graph and Line Graph into the same panel

I’m working on my first complex Graph using Grafana and influxdb.
thanks in advance for your support
I would like to display the Graph in 2 parts, one axe using bar graph (separate bar) with the electric consumption, one axe using lines with the electric cost.
I have created 3 queries to get electric consumption and created 3 transform Field, All is working well
Here the Graph that I’m able to display

I have exported the data in Excel to show what I would like, the axis is the same but cost are based on Lines (right Axe) and each electric consumption is displayed with a separate bar (left Axe).

Hi @franckybel and welcome to the Grafana forum…

Looks like you are 90% there…In your panel settings, maybe try setting an override or two as shown in my mock up below?

Thanks @grant2 for your input

I think, I’m really near of the final solution :slight_smile:
I have one missing need, I would like to get one bar per field, like my Excel above.
Below the result of today, the bar graph of the 3 fields are all not well ‘separated’, I tried to use the propertie ‘bar alignment’ but too much overlap between the 3 bars, the visual is not good (not accurate about what I need as visual).

I’m pretty sure that I miss a stupied step to get what I need :wink:

I tried to recreate your data but cannot get the vertical bars to appear the same way. Instead, I see something like this:

Here is the same with Stacked:

I think this is because the test data which I am using has timestamps for each colored series that are exactly the same. For example, at exactly 08:35:30, there are 3 values recorded (represented by the green, yellow and blue).

Is there any possibility for you to standardize the time(s) at which each value is sampled?

For my report the time stamp is the same for the data because is a daily consumption and cost info
See below detailed table calculation extract from Data inspection of the query result.
The objectif is to get result of the consumption and to compare day by day the values (Like Excel Graph provided :wink: )
Unfortunately, I’m not autorized to upload the csv file, I have done a copy past from the CSV file if you want to use data

“Time”,“Heure Creuse”,“Heure Pleine”,“Total Conso”,“Heures Creuses €”,“Heures Pleines €”,“Total €”
2022-01-10 01:00:00,21.2 kWh,60.1 kWh,81.3 kWh,€2.88,€11.2,€14.1
2022-01-11 01:00:00,23.1 kWh,62.2 kWh,85.2 kWh,€3.14,€11.6,€14.7
2022-01-12 01:00:00,42.3 kWh,37.2 kWh,79.4 kWh,€5.76,€6.92,€12.7
2022-01-13 01:00:00,20.5 kWh,34.1 kWh,54.6 kWh,€2.79,€6.36,€9.15
2022-01-14 01:00:00,42.7 kWh,39.7 kWh,82.4 kWh,€5.81,€7.40,€13.2
2022-01-15 01:00:00,21.9 kWh,74.9 kWh,96.8 kWh,€2.98,€13.9,€16.9
2022-01-16 01:00:00,37.4 kWh,44.9 kWh,82.3 kWh,€5.09,€8.36,€13.4
2022-01-17 01:00:00,32.0 kWh,48.8 kWh,80.8 kWh,€4.35,€9.10,€13.4
2022-01-18 01:00:00,21.7 kWh,54.3 kWh,76.1 kWh,€2.96,€10.1,€13.1
2022-01-19 01:00:00,27.9 kWh,57.9 kWh,85.8 kWh,€3.79,€10.8,€14.6
2022-01-20 01:00:00,48.1 kWh,57.3 kWh,105 kWh,€6.55,€10.7,€17.2
2022-01-21 01:00:00,32.2 kWh,32.9 kWh,65.1 kWh,€4.38,€6.13,€10.5