How to us Templating variable 'All'?

Note: Using SQL Server
Grafana 5.4.1 (testing 6.2 so if this is a possibility after the upgrade we will speed up proofing to get this on our production server)

With templating, is there a way to have a variable depend on another variable that has the ‘Include All option’ option enabled?

For example say variable1 is set up as such:


And then I enable the all option via grafana.

I want to have variable2 set up something like:

SELECT DISTINCT [LastName] FROM table WHERE [Name] = $variable1

But I get an error because All passes in a list for $variable1

Essentially, I’m trying to create a dashboard that has row repeat for variable1 and then within each row there are other panels based on variable1. How can I do that?

I dont know on SQL server, but on MySQL and PostgreSQL is something like:

SELECT DISTINCT [LastName] FROM table WHERE [Name] IN($variable1) 

If you set “Custom all value” to "All" (better performance)

SELECT DISTINCT [LastName] FROM table WHERE $variable1 = "All" OR  [Name]  IN($variable1)
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The problem with doing that is I would retrieve every [LastName]

For example imagine with this table:

SELECT DISTINCT [LastName] FROM table WHERE [Name] IN ($variable1)
Would give me every single entry in [LastName] because it is effectively doing:

SELECT DISTINCT [LastName] FROM table WHERE [Name] IN ('Paul', 'Adam', 'Bobby', 'Margaret')

This is because $variable1 is set to ‘Include All Option’… Doesn’t work as far as I can see that way.

I don’t understand what you mean by the second query.

Sorry i dont understant to you, can you explain more detail?

I’ll give real examples because maybe that will make more sense:

I have this dashboard that pulls in batterynames (variable!) and I am trying to just list all the apis associated with each batteryname but the problem is, to have the repeating row functionality based on batteryname I need to enable the ‘include all option’ which means I can’t get a specific list of apis associated with each battery (see images)


It’s because my query is SELECT DISTINCT [api] FROM [table] WHERE Battery = $battery

Which is then translated to SELECT DISTINCT [api] FROM [table] WHERE Battery = LISTOF_ALL_OF_THE_BATTERYS (see imagine below for screenshot)

And doing SELECT DISTINCT [api] FROM [table] WHERE Battery in (LISTOF_ALL_OF_THE_BATTERYS) doesn’t help me because then I just have a list of APIs that don’t map to the correct batterynames…

If I am understanding well, I would say that you should consider the following:
when you activate the “repeating row”, option the variable $battery is not translated in the same way, and within each row $battery is translated as the name of the battery. That said, you could change your query to something like:

for variable query

SELECT DISTINCT [api] FROM [table] WHERE Battery in($battery)

for metrics

SELECT value, metric, time FROM MetricsTable Where baterry = $battery and api in($api)
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I test with the following:

	`Text` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci'

That is very interesting but I’m going to be honest I don’t understand the sql command you’ve done with the SELECT ID __value, Text as __text. What is this doing?

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This is a feature of grafana

Another option is a query that can create a key/value variable. The query should return two columns that are named __text and __value . The __text column value should be unique (if it is not unique then the first value is used). The options in the dropdown will have a text and value that allows you to have a friendly name as text and an id as the value. An example query with hostname as the text and id as the value:

Oh ok I will take a look at that.

From your example, I’m trying to figure out if the TestB values are specific to the TestA id or not?

For example:

$ TestA : 1

$ TestB : {1,2,3,4,5,6}

$ TestA : 2

$ TestB : {1,2,3,4,5,6}

TestB is showing the same values which is my issue with the doing this the way I was previously doing it. The second variable doesn’t seem to actually be specific to the first variable.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding though?