January 10, 2018, 9:18am
I’m creating new snapshot using http api, but when opening snapshot in browser there is no timepicker in header line.
Next I created dashboard via HTTP api using same dasboard json what was used in snapshot creation. Timepicker was shown. After that I took snapshot via UI, and the timepicker remains.
I am using version 4.2 of Grafana.
Question is how can I make heading row timepicker visible when creating snapshot via HTTP api?
tnx Marko
Hi, is there any response to this? I think the actual version that Marko used is 4.4.1. This is somewhat surprising as I’m fairly sure we had it working with previous versions…
January 18, 2018, 11:01am
looks like this is same behaviour what is described here:
opened 03:15PM - 21 Jul 17 UTC
closed 07:44PM - 21 Jul 17 UTC
I have an issue with the snapshot navbar. I create the snapshot with t… he HTTP API and use the url from the response into an iframe.
Here's a screenshot from the code where the error message comes from :
![capture d ecran 2017-07-21 a 17 09 13](
It works fine in local : showing what I putted into the json to generate the snapshot (dashboard - title).
{{ctrl.dashboard.title}} is what is get (cf screenshot)
![capture d ecran 2017-07-21 a 16 50 25](
![capture d ecran 2017-07-21 a 16 50 39](
It was ‘fixed’ by adding
“originalUrl”:“some uri”
block inside dashbord block.
This is little bit confusing, since I cannot find any reference to dashboard.snapshot structure in Grafna Http Api documentation ( )
March 28, 2019, 8:06am
Hi, how what did you do to be able to take snapshot using api ?