I am getting some odd results in Datadog when I define custom metrics in k6.
I have a custom metric (success_counter) that adds the value whenever a specific HTTP call is successful.
From k6 results, I can see that it was successful 311 times. But in DD it shows 1.71K.
The DD formula is:
The resampling is set to 1.
Same formula for the basic http_reqs gives fairly accurate result (1.21K in DD for 1244 in k6).
Does anybody know why I get such a large number for my custom metric? I tried multiple times and the custom metric value in DD is always roughly 5.4 times more than k6 (???)
Upon further investigation, I found out that we’ve had this issue before, but haven’t had time to fix it. It’ll be fixed along with this feature or maybe sooner.
The fix is being tested. It’ll be released soon.
The fix is released to production. The http_reqs is now reported as RPS and the rest of the counter metrics as sum.
Sorry @mostafa I am still having an issue with it. The custom metric shows correctly, only if I use this:
cumsum(max:k6.my_metric{*}) and only if I select the exact time range of the test. If I put too much time before/after the test (in Datadog timeframe selection), the numbers don’t match anymore.
The resolution of the graphs on DataDog are really tricky, because we send a set of metrics with a different resample rate (1~10s), yet the graphs try to compensate and re-aggregate to show accurate data points.