Hello, I am wondering if it is possible to overwrite the default url tag k6 applies to each request. I am talking about this one:
“tags”: {
Since we have a lot of APIs with path params and query params we don’t want every request to have a unique url in the prometheus metric.
I tried with providing, but it does not seem to work
“tags”: {
“url”: “address”
Hi @eXpLoD96 !
I believe you’re looking for the option Options reference System tags
. That way, you can disable the URL as the system tag and, if needed, pass any other value.
Let me know if that helps!
I tried that, but when I remove the url some of the grafana dashboards were breaking → the one where it shows average http req duratioon , although it shouldn’t be connected to the url tag I believe?
That’s interesting. May I ask you which exact dashboard?
although it shouldn’t be connected to the url tag I believe?
I guess so
I see.
It’s because this one is used URL for filtering URLs by the domain variable (dashboard variable):
avg(k6_http_req_${HttpMetricName}_avg{scenario=\"$scenario\",expected_response=\"true\", url=~\".*${domain}.*\"})
So I believe apart from disabling it from the system tag, some “domain” should be provided.
For example:
import { sleep } from "k6";
import http from "k6/http";
export const options = {
systemTags: ['proto,subproto,status,method,name,group,check,error,error_code,tls_version,scenario,service,expected_response'],
export default function () {
http.get('http://test.k6.io', { tags: { url: 'lorem.localhost' } });
Let me know if that answers.
Yes, this works, thank you!