Is there an SMTP server installed in the Grafana Docker container?

Dear all,

I have a simple question regarding the Grafana Docker image available at Docker Hub

Is there an SMTP server already installed in this container ? I switched the GF_SMTP_ENABLED variable to “True” on Rancher, but now Grafana complains there is no SMTP server listening on localhost:25.

What am I doing wrong ? Should I instantiate a new “SMTP” container for this purpose ?

Best regards,



Did you launch your container as :

docker run
-p 3000:3000
–name grafana
-e “
-e “GF_SMTP_USER=myuser”
-e “GF_SMTP_PASSWORD=mysecret”

Check this thread :

Good Luck

Dear @wlargou

Thanks for your quick reply :slight_smile:

I left GF_SMTP_HOST blank, hoping there would be an SMTP server already listening locally on port 25, as per this documentation:

One of my colleague told me it used to work without any further configuration (i.e no need to use an external SMTP server).

I just checked the Dockerfile on Github but there doesn’t seem to be any SMTP server installed, and port 25 is not exposed (only port 3000):

Would you recommend using an external SMTP server ?

Best regards,



Yes as a matter of fact you can either use your existing SMTP or create a new one, SMTP duties are sending/receiving emails, as a design rule you should separate this duties from Grafana.

Goof Luck

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