K6 with InfluxDB Hosted on EC2 not working with Grafhana

My Setup is like this:

  1. K6 is running on GIT

  2. Influxdb is running on aws EC2 instance [OS: Unbuntu]. We followed - Running InfluxDB on AWS with Cloud Formation | InfluxData

  3. Influx docker image: influxdb:2.0.0-alpha [Quay]

  4. Grafana again running on EC2 Instance and local machine (my laptop)

Grafahan able to detect InfluxDB Instance and configured successfully

If you run a sample test on k6 to see the results on grafana, data is not loaded on Grafana Dashboard.

k6 run --out influxdb= ./SampleExamples/test.js

When we analysed, we saw no bucket/db[k6sitedb1 ] is been created in Influx db since we had access to the influxdb UI.
No error has been reported, everything looks fine.
Can someone help me out here?
No able to identify the core problem.

Hi @vishal.lanke,
This seems strange … k6 does try to create the bucket and it definitely spews errors when there is a problem …

When you are saying No error has been reported, everything looks fine. do you also mean k6 ?

If so can you try it locally with the same versions of k6 and InlfuxDB and see if this fixes it, as I at least can’t think of anything … as even a network issue would mean that k6 will at least report not being able to write to influxdb.

There are no errors on k6 UI. If I provide wrong port, I get errors on k6 UI.

Through , Grafhana,I can connect to InfluxDB instance without any errors.

Locally everything is working, means local InfluxDB instance , local K6 and Graphana. But, if I use EC2 instance of InfluxDB, I can’t see data.

I will try to find error logs inside InfluxDB

After performing steps to load docker image inside EC2 instance, I have observed that I can access InfluxDB User Interface through http://PublicIPOfEc2:80. Here port is 80. Also, no errors on K6 while executing tests.

It seems some issue in image that is loading influxdb

This issue is resolved suddenly, seems some issue in EC2