KQL doesn't render barchart

I’m running a barchart visualization that always gives me an error (the plot is not defined) on the dashboard:

I see the same when I click on edit:
But when I switch from table view and back, the visualization works perfectly:

Is this a bug? How can I fix this? This is the query and data (which has no issues I believe):

| where Name contains "inference_time_bucket"
| extend t = parse_json(Tags)
| where t.line == 'mk80' and t.plant contains 'gjh'
| where t.adapter contains 'inferencing'
| project TimeGenerated, Tags, tostring(t.le), Val
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Tags
| extend t = parse_json(Tags)
| project tostring(t.le), Val
| render barchart 

t_le Val

0.005 0
0.01 0
0.025 0
0.05 0
0.075 0
0.1 0
0.25 259
0.5 260
0.75 260
1.0 260
2.5 260
5.0 260
7.5 260
10.0 260
+Inf 260