Loki - Helm can write data to S3 but cannot get S3 objects!

Any idea what causes this issue?

level=error ts=2023-03-01T08:46:45.809733204Z caller=batch.go:720 org_id=fake msg=“error fetching chunks” err=“failed to get s3 object: NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist.\n\tstatus code: 404, request id: 7SDDM64KPCXEAGYN, host id: 67TezMmbJRevEIFmK4Eyb1Dd4lbdXjUcpMdezCz61fkU4W6hu5vBAx32oo8/c+zXItALVSdFFEs=”

level=error ts=2023-03-01T08:46:51.28874269Z caller=retry.go:73 org_id=fake msg=“error processing request” try=2 err=“rpc error: code = Code(500) desc = failed to get s3 object: NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist.\n\tstatus code: 404, request id: FBTJ341CYYD66NG2, host id: VtY5FdJ64W/2xEu3gUoSa4+kzIhvAGmqlnNMHIov8hfGaVyERpK7Q1bmPBgA7rcaYiR5xxqzdf4=\n”

I’m using this file

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