Loki live feed 3D Globe


Hello all. I wanted to share with you a panel I am working on.
This panel shows live connections coming live from Loki through Grafana’s proxy so no need to poke holes nor to use additional datasource plugins.


The plugin uses the MaxMind geoip database to locate the sources in the globe and then shoot a ray to a designated destination.

Some features:

  • Multiple earth textures: day, night and solid.
  • Adjustable zoom and auto rotation.
  • Rays size configuration.
  • Connection list with ISO Code flags.
  • Space skybox.

Let me know what you think. Still needs more work, I am missing some events to be able to create a smoother transition between the dashboard and the edit panel and there is probably some room to increase the perfomance.

You can watch a small demo video here: - YouTube

Thank you for checking it out!


Youtube video here:
Youtube Grafana Loki

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