Earlier I was using Grafana 7.5.2 and meta query was working perfectly over there.
Recently I upgraded my Grafana to 8.3.2 and installed the meta query plugin but I am not able to use it. It says:
Datasource [object Object] was not found
And plugin is also Unassigned.
Any help would be appreciated
Same to me
Grafana version: 8.3.3
allowed unsigned plugin
Any luck on this ivansanchez?
I have been on vacation but I am still looking for a solution to this inconvenience.
I have managed to get the unsigned plugin supported, though.
Could you pls let me know how did you manage the unsigned plugin support.
Adding to grafana.ini:
allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = "plugin1, plugin2, plugin3"
you will permit the unsigned plugins in your Grafana.
I tried this but still getting the same error (Datasource [object Object] was not found)
allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = goshposh-metaqueries-datasource
You need to replace all expressions like:
"datasource": {
“uid”: “a4fcTGJnk”,
“type”: “goshposh-metaqueries-datasource”
"datasource": “MetaQueries”,
Go to Query inspector ->JSON and do it))
We also need to inform the plugin developer about this problem in new versions of grafana
You need to replace ALL datasources in query. It`s work for me…
Don’t know I have replace it everywhere but no luck.
cat tt | grep datasource
“datasource”: “MetaQueries”,
“datasource”: “MetaQueries”,
“datasource”: “MetaQueries”,
“datasource”: “MetaQueries”,
And now error turns to :
Cannot set properties of undefined (setting ‘hide’)
March 7, 2022, 7:12pm
@nirajkumarpandey i was thinking on upgrade graphana. Its metaquery plugin working now ?
No I am using version 8.2.3 and it’s not working over there.
Did we able to resolve the issue any how , i am also facing same with 8.4.1. version?