Hi, I have promoted Loki on the Grafana server but got an issue high memory and I followed as below configuration.
hi @enggal17
Where are you running loki and what kind of computing power can loki access?
Hi @mattabrams ,
I installed loki and promtail on my grafana production server, is there any memory requirement on the server/vm? if yes, how much minimum memory should be used?
Here are some useful resources, @enggal17
opened 10:31AM - 24 Jun 19 UTC
closed 12:20PM - 05 Aug 19 UTC
**Describe the bug**
I have deployed loki and grafana with docker-compose, runn… ing loki in one container. Log collection from GCP seems to work fine, and querying the last few minutes works fine.
However, when I use the logcli program to get the logs to investigate a system failure, loki rapidly allocates all the memory on the machine and dies. The log-file from logcli is empty - suggesting that loki tries to hold all the relevant data in memory before producing any output.
In this query, I ask for just 10 000 log messages (that covers roughly a few minutes).
logcli --addr query --since 3h --limit 10000 '{app="db",region="europe-west2"}' > jgaa.log
Loki crashes after 45 seconds, when it fails to allocate > 64 GB of memory.
- Infrastructure: Linode standard instance with 64 GB RAM, 16 cores, 630 GB SSD
- Deployment tool: docker-compose
**Screenshots, promtail config, or terminal output**

opened 10:10PM - 22 May 19 UTC
closed 12:21PM - 05 Aug 19 UTC
**Describe the bug**
Everytime I make a query against loki running the helm cha… rt with 8G requests and limits, the server goes into OOMKilled and restarts.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Started loki (SHA or version): master as of today
2. Started promtail (SHA or version) to tail '...'
3. Query: `{app="my-app"} exception`
**Expected behavior**
I should get results. Instead I got crashes.
- Infrastructure: Kubernetes
- Deployment tool: helm
Related to https://github.com/grafana/loki/issues/191
How many queriers are you running? Are you running the compactor?
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actually… are you running this in single monolith mode? You’re going to run into a lot of problems that way with large searches, plus it doesn’t activate the compactor in that mode.
If you are running Loki at scale then maybe consider one of Grafana’s cloud-based solutions like Grafana Enterprise Logs
August 21, 2022, 3:04am
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