New to Grafana and need a little help on a MySQL query. I have a MySQL table with the following structure…
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| organizationID | varchar(18) |YES| | NULL | |
| connectionType | varchar(3) |YES| | NULL | |
| timestamp | timestamp |YES| | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
I’d like to create a time-series bar chart showing the total number of events that meet “WHERE” criteria, grouped by month showing the current month and previous eleven month in ascending order. Here’s the query I’ve tried but it failing with a Query failed message…
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) as time_sec,
count(*) as value,
‘Wired Connections’ as metric
FROM EventLog
WHERE $__timeFilter(timestamp) and organizationID = ‘US_VA_MCPL_BLLC’ and connectionType = ‘WRD’ and YEAR(timestamp) = ‘2020’
GROUP BY MONTH(timestamp)
Any help / direction you can provide would be appreciated!