I would like to graph and show how the temperature sensor was today compared to yesterday. Ideally I would like to graph for a week, month and year. Is this possible in Grafana?
I would like to graph and show how the temperature sensor was today compared to yesterday. Ideally I would like to graph for a week, month and year. Is this possible in Grafana?
you could create 2 queries on the same graph. one for time range 1 and another for timerange 2.
this shouldn’t be too hard to solve in grafana. we are doing this with influxdb.
I assume it will be possible with mysql too.
Thank you very much, this forum is really great. This is my query
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datecreated) as time_sec,
devicevalue as value,
devicename as metric
FROM history
WHERE $__timeFilter(datecreated) and devicecategory = ‘Temperature’ and deviceroom in (‘attic’, ‘outside’)
I tried several things but nothing worked, How would you construct the second query?
Thanks again
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datecreated) as time_sec,
devicevalue as value,
devicename as metric
FROM history
WHERE datecreated >= DATE_SUB(__timeFrom(), interval 1 day) and datecreated <= DATE_SUB(__timeTo(), interval 1 day) and devicecategory = ‘Temperature’ and deviceroom in (‘attic’, ‘outside’)