I adapted the traffic light Kibana plugin in order to make it work in Grafana. That was a Grafana show stopper for me. I am more than happy to share it with the community.
I adapted the traffic light Kibana plugin in order to make it work in Grafana. That was a Grafana show stopper for me. I am more than happy to share it with the community.
Thanks! I will review it and get back to you with feedback soon so that we can publish it on Grafana.com
Hi, I added a few options so test with the most recent version
As I had a few days to spare between two missions, I quickly made a radar panel based on the Chart JS framework.
You can find some screenshots here:
Oh wow. Looks amazing!
The plugin id in the plugin.json file does not follow the conventions. It should be snuids-trafficlights-panel
Some validation around the three thresholds would be good. It is possible to have a Max Threshold which is smaller than the other thresholds.
It does not seem to be possible to not have a max threshold (or a max threshold that is infinity)?
If change one of the thresholds and then click on invert scale, two lights getting turned on:
Looks great though! Those are only small problems.
@snuids Before I start reviewing the radar panel plugin, could you fix:
Radar panel id should be OK now.
Traffic panel name fixed. I will try to add a few validations on the thresholds.
@snuids The radar panel rendering doesn’t work for me on the latest master:
I checked with a fresh install and it works with my elastic. Don’t forget that you need to have at least one “group by” aggregation that returns more than one doc as in the attached screenshot.
I am using Grafana v4.6.0-pre1 (commit: b228c23db)
Any plans to add alerting to this plugin?
trying it on my own but i am not a developer.
@snuids The Radar panel plugin is now published: https://grafana.com/plugins/snuids-radar-panel
and added to the plugin repo: https://github.com/grafana/grafana-plugin-repository/blob/master/repo.json#L2185-L2195
The traffic lights panel still has an invalid plugin id unfortunately: https://github.com/snuids/trafficlights-panel/blob/master/dist/plugin.json#L4
Nice, Thx Daniel
I renamed the plugin to “snuids-trafficlights-panel” which should do the trick.
Nearly works but after changing the plugin id, this path is now incorrect:
I fixed it and I checked it for real
I added it the plugins repo:
so you can send a PR there for future updates by adding a version item to the json or by just sending a version and a commit sha.
Great let’s hope people will like it.
I really like the plugin. Nice looking and works well. My question is that I’d like to be able to pass the name of each light as a variable to another dashboard on the drill down link. For example, I have 3 traffic lights: Light1 is red, Light2 is green and Light3 is yellow. I would like to use the drill down link to a table containing additional info on the data associated with Light1. Is there a way to capture the name on a traffic light so it can be passed on the drill down link?