I have two servers running the same MySQL database setup with the same data stored.
On each database i have a version of Grafana running, one is version 7.1.3 the other is 7.0.3.
the dashboards on the 7.1.3 version is a clone from the 7.0.3.
there is no issue zooming in the 7.0.3 version, but the 7.1.3v fail to query data.
I have just changed to the same version 7.0.3 on both database. I still have the same issue.
I have looked in all conf files both for Grafana and MySQL and cant find any differences.
I tried to run the select statement :
SELECT Timestamp, value1, value2 FROM table WHERE Timestamp BETWEEN FROM_UNIXTIME(1597138540) and FROM_UNIXTIME(1597139495) ORDER BY Timestamp