Not able to find right Y-Axis in new Time series graph

I am trying to publish y-Axis on the right side for my 2nd query.
however, i am not able to see that option in Time series visualization.
Do i need to enable any property to make it visible ?

Grafana version: 8.0.6

Hi @vjsre ,

Y-axis placement is now set under Field Overrides. Create an override, add a property, and scroll down to Axis > Placement:

CleanShot 2021-09-27 at 17.18.55

Hi @mattabrams, I’m not sure I should post my question here or on github…
But I was wondering how to make this option available to a user with “viewer” rights without the necessity to edit the panel?
With the old graph each user could click on the field color in the legend to choose if they want it on the right y-axis.

Note: In my case I’m transitioning over to the timeseries visualization due to specific features which the Graph (old) doesn’t support (like for example the transformation “Config from query results”).

hmmmm yes good question. The color picker has left the legend in timeseries, and I don’t know if there is a way for viewers to reach it. This might make a good GH feature request?