First :: many thanks for replying to me.
Second :: What did I mean by saying Greafana gets more buggy from release to release? Lets talk facts:: In the latest Grafana there is a bug when you add new panel to dashboard it gets added but when you click on panel title and want to edit it, whole panel randomly disappears -> this leaves “shadow” of this panel -> this causes error on both saving dashboard and on loading dashboard (empty space with red exclamation mark) -> this is undeleteable and unreplaceable (=you cannot place other panel over the “shadowed” one).
This is perfect example of how one bug can start cvascade of other bugs.
Another (cascading) bug :: when you hover mouse over graph (doesnt matter its type) to display tooltip -> its all ok, but data update while tooltip is displayed causes tooltip text to disappear, leavinjg tooltip frame on the screen… When you move your mouse out of tooltip area, the tooltip (or better named:: its background) stays on screen -> this stops whole graph from refreshing.
Whats interesting is that this can be observed on Azure dashboard only. Other dashboards are ok as of tooltips.
As of alerting :: its only available with graphs. Why? Whyt cannot we set alerts for, say, heatmap or other types?
Incompleteness of UI:: Add graph type table, go to Edit it > open Column Styles pane. There is a group called Type? Type of what?
As we are with graph type table… another cascading bug:: Cloumn Styles pane. Click +Add link on the left and set Type to String, configure value mappings and than switch Type to whatever else, configure and switch Type back to String… you will notice that preview stays on what you’ve changed Type to…
Another bug is within importing of dashboards :: when you copy&paste JSON in text-area and click Import it sometimes generates error saying:: Unable to import. Importing very same code, but within the file - using Upload button works perfectly. Strange
Also - explain to me whats the rationale behind restricting alerting only to graph instead of allowing alerting from any type of visualisation? Also what the hell is alerting icon on the left panel for, if - when clicked - loads page that will not let you add alerts?
Speaking of it:: when you create an alert, save it, click on Alert icon on the left pane, your alert is visible there, but its colored orange with exclamation mark; once clicked you are sent to corresponding graph with red error msg saying that (hold yourself) :: The datasource does not support alerting queries
How come graph let me set alert, when it does not support it? And why there was alert tab/pane visible when its unsupported??
Not to mention there is no way of correctly saving alert on “unsupported” graph - it will leave “shadowed” alert and this will render as red exclamation marks instead of graph…
By ‘cascading’ I mean bug(s) that triggers either other bugs or unwanted behavior.
All of the above bugs leads to problematic/being unable to/corrupted saving dashboard…
OK, thats everything Ive noticed. Whats sad is that Grafana once was great software. It is no more. There are others who produce better monitoring software.
Many of the above bugs have been here from 2-3 releases. It feels like you (=developers in general; not you personally) stopped taking care of quality…
To be fair :: what I really liuke about Grafana is very simple, well-organised UI…well done here.
EDIT:: Just (moment ago) finished moving every production-grade monitors to DataDog. Will leave my current account (with free Hosted Grafana and just standard CPU/Network monitors) just to see how Grafana is doing)…
EDIT2:: Just noticed:: when you select specific region on one visualisation (regardless its type), what gets enlarged (zoomed in)? Every visualisation on open dashboard.