Forgive me if this isn’t correct forum, but thought it would be a good place to ask. I’ll state straight off that I’m somewhat a newbie when it comes to the metric collection/json/API etc, but I have some experience using Grafana with InfluxDB/Telegraf.
So what am I looking for? Well I recently starting looking in REST API and while trying to get a better grasp on the basics, I got thinking that can Grafana do what I need. I have a couple of systems that have well documented REST API information, and I am looking to build dashboards based on the data retrieved from the API calls. Now I don’t need the historical data, so no need to send this information into a DB like Graphite or InfluxDB. I am only interested in the real time values.
Is it possible with Grafana to use API urls as the datasource (sorry if this sounds nonsense, but can’t think of a better way to explain it). So say I make an API query for say a list of backup servers or a single value, is it possible to send the query via Grafana and display this data?