P(80) and P(99.5) results

After running a test and streaming results to the cloud, I see some great metrics OOTB. It doesn’t appear that there is any way to get other “P(X)” metrics other than 95/99. Is there a way to get other P metrics? In my case, I have a customer requiring P(80) and also P(99.5).
I have tried updating the summaryTrendStats, but that appears to have no bearing on the HTTP analytics/reports/exports offered by k6.

@q2bdcsadmins, unfortunately the only way to see this would be to set thresholds on the percentiles you want and then see the stats in the Thresholds tab in the web app.

We intend to improve this soon, though I can’t give a firm estimate on when we’ll be able to do it… :disappointed: I’ve created this issue to track our progress: Allow configurable percentile stats in the cloud app · Issue #26 · grafana/k6-cloud-feature-requests · GitHub

Thanks for this, I was able to make the thresholds approach work after getting this same advice from somebody in support. I think this will be good enough for now, appreciate the response.