Panel repeating issue

Hi, there…

I made JSON fie for one dashboard and defined three variables, all independent from each other. First, $location, is visible and the user can choose the location of equipment which is monitored, second $group is defined as a constant, invisible with one possible value, and third $item, invisible, and defined like this:

I defined Repeating panels like this:

$item variable is not dependent on the first one $location which is only visible.
In JSON file I defined all variables and set all values for that $item as “selected”: “true” like below (bold part):

“templating”: {
“list”: [
“allValue”: null,
“current”: {
“selected”: false,
“text”: “CS-AR-HE”,
“value”: “CS-AR-HE”
“datasource”: “MySQL - Zabbix”,
“definition”: “SELECT distinct FROM zabbix.hosts_groups\ninner join hosts on hosts.hostid=hosts_groups.hostid\ninner join hstgrp on hosts_groups.groupid=hstgrp.groupid\nwhere like ‘CS-%’ order by;”,
“hide”: 0,
“includeAll”: false,
“index”: -1,
“label”: “Location”,
“multi”: true,
“name”: “location”,
“options”: ,
“query”: “SELECT distinct FROM zabbix.hosts_groups\ninner join hosts on hosts.hostid=hosts_groups.hostid\ninner join hstgrp on hosts_groups.groupid=hstgrp.groupid\nwhere like ‘CS-%’ order by;”,
“refresh”: 1,
“regex”: “”,
“skipUrlSync”: false,
“sort”: 0,
“tagValuesQuery”: “”,
“tags”: ,
“tagsQuery”: “”,
“type”: “query”,
“useTags”: false
“allValue”: null,
“current”: {
“selected”: true,
“text”: “1310 Forward Transmitter”,
“value”: “1310 Forward Transmitter”
“hide”: 2,
“includeAll”: false,
“label”: “Group”,
“multi”: false,
“name”: “group”,
“options”: [
“selected”: true,
“text”: “1310 Forward Transmitter”,
“value”: “1310 Forward Transmitter”
“query”: “1310 Forward Transmitter”,
“skipUrlSync”: false,
“type”: “custom”
“allValue”: null,
“current”: {
“text”: “”,
“value”: [
“hide”: 2,
“includeAll”: false,
“label”: “Item”,
“multi”: true,
“name”: “item”,
“options”: [
“selected”: true,
“text”: “Input RF”,
“value”: “Input RF”
“selected”: true,
“text”: “Laser Bias”,
“value”: “Laser Bias”
“selected”: true,
“text”: “Laser Temperature”,
“value”: “Laser Temperature”
“selected”: true,
“text”: “Module Temperature”,
“value”: “Module Temperature”
“selected”: true,
“text”: “Output Optical Power”,
“value”: “Output Optical Power”
“selected”: true,
“text”: “TEC Current”,
“value”: “TEC Current”

“query”: “Input RF,Laser Bias,Laser Temperature,Module Temperature,Output Optical Power,TEC Current”,
“skipUrlSync”: false,
“type”: “custom”

After the user changes $location variable value, all trues are changed to falses and repeating panels stop working. Why? How can I make that trues permanent?

I found solution… Here:

“allValue”: null,
“current”: {
“text”: “”,
“value”: [

I put something like:

    "allValue": null,
    "current": {
      "text": "Input RF + Laser Bias + Laser Temperature + Module Temperature + Output Optical Power + TEC Current",
      "value": [
        "Input RF",
        "Laser Bias",
        "Laser Temperature",
        "Module Temperature",
        "Output Optical Power",
        "TEC Current"

and choose to NOT save current dashboard variables…