I’m triying to figure on grafana the following query.
host.name: ${Transcoder} AND log.file.path:/var/log/plexustv_tc/plexustv_tc.log
I noticed on the query the following:
query":“host.name: (“d04”) AND log.file.path:/var/log/plexustv_tc/plexustv_tc.log”
Should work but is not showing results. Other query replacing the log.file.path with other parameter and no special characters works fine.
I tried escaping the special characters:
query":“host.name: (“d04”) AND log.file.path:/var/log/plexustv_tc/plexustv_tc.log”
neither works. And I noticed the following on the query:
“query”:“host.name: (“d04”) AND log.file.path:\/var\/log\/plexustv_tc\/plexustv_tc.log”
Backslash is duplicated. Escape character is added automatically? How can I add the / character on my query?
Thank you in advance!