Percentile calculation option missing from AWS Cloudwatch Query

Hello all,

I’m attempting to graph the P50 and P99 statistics for some ELB latency metrics coming straight to Grafana from AWS CloudWatch.

I see in this thread, Grafana has a method of calculating ‘pNN.NN’ percentile metrics coming in from Cloudwatch. I don’t see this option anywhere in my Grafana interface.

Here’s what I see:


Why am I missing the percentile option for Cloudwatch metrics? I’ve already verified that I am able to calculate a percentile in Cloudwatch for the exact same metric series, so I know that this metric supports percentile calculation.

I’m running Grafana v7.4.0 with the native Cloudwatch Plugin active. Can anyone help me understand why I don’t have a percentile calculation available?

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Update: I’ve solved this with some help from the Grafana slack. It turns out you can just type straight into the Stats box

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