I am trying to render image with phantomJS but it fails.
Grafana version : Grafana v6.1.0-pre (a5a0352dc)
Error messages:
t=2019-04-08T10:33:41 lvl=dbug msg=“executing Phantomjs” logger=rendering binPath=C:\PATH\tools\phantomjs\phantomjs.exe cmdArgs="[–ignore-ssl-errors=true --web-security=false --debug=false C:\PATH\tools\phantomjs\render.js url=http://localhost:3009/URI&timeout=300&render=1 width=1000 height=500 png=C:\PATH\data\png\Jj4iXSWU8FjiTJRFRr6r.png domain=localhost timeout=300 renderKey=tzgI47ZF4gLffi1oxWd19TlxijSDR1tU]" timezone=America/Toronto
t=2019-04-08T10:38:43-0400 lvl=dbug msg=“Phantomjs error” logger=rendering error=“exit status 1”
t=2019-04-08T10:38:43-0400 lvl=eror msg=“Timeout error. You can set timeout in seconds with &timeout url parameter” logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin error=“Timeout error. You can set timeout in seconds with &timeout url parameter”
I do have phantomJS in /tools.
Any idea of what I am doing wrong ?