Possible: Mouseover values also shown in legend table below Graph (Grafana 4.6.3./InfluxDB)

Hi there:

I’m new to Grafana, although, I have already played around a bit and read the tutorials. However, I do have a question:
I’d like to show a table below the graph (Legend -> Show - > As Table) with the data I also have when going over the graph with the mouse cursor (in the popup legend). Showing the “Current” Values in this table would be irritating.
Is that possible? I’m using Grafana 4.6.3. with InfluxDB as DataSource and my data are coming in daily.

All the best,


This is not supported. You get the current values of series in a popup when you hover the graph. You can configure so that only the one series you hover is visible in popup, default is that all series are visible.


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