Hi i am a new user, and im trying to create a graph of the ram utilisation by the time , for the time i use a column named “date” who contains unix timestamp, when i try to see them grafana print me theyre like 2019-04-29T11:22:14.72113Z, but when i try to create a graph whit the query :
ramutil as value
time is just a column whit “1.56 Tri” everywhere and the graph is false.
i supose that “1.56 Tri” is the value o the timestamp, but i dont understan to you, can you give more detailts?
I have a column whit values and i want to make a graph and for the axe X of the time i use a Timestamp named date in my database but it doesnt work when i try to make it and i use the SQL request dat you can see
instead of
If that doesn’t work, what is the type of the column storing the timestamp?
Dat doesnt work too, normally the graph have to start at like 11am and it start at 1pm, but looks like he took the rght value in the time but whit 2 hour +.
the type of my cloum is :
date timestamp without time zone
Do you mean it is all working now except that the data is not showing at the correct timestamp? If so then what timezone is the machine running the server set to and what timezone is the machine running the browser set to? By that I mean the operating system of the machines, not grafana. Also what operating systems are they running?
Also in your first post you showed the timestamp 2019-04-29T11:22:14.72113Z, was that the correct timestamp in UTC (not local time)?
For my timestamp i use the function localtimestamp :
psql -d dbtest1 -c “INSERT INTO InfoServ VALUES (‘rffsrvpg4001’,”$cpuusage","$memtotal","$memusage","$disktotal","$diskusage","$diskwrite","$diskread",localtimestamp)"
And its the right time , GTM +1
Its the same time on the server
As you can see i have a value at 10:10 btu on the graph he tooks the old informations
You must always put the UTC timestamp into the database, not the local time.
Ok i will change my script and try whit the new time stamp and i will comeback to you.
Ok guys i got it, the timestamp dat i was using was without time zone and so when grafana makes the conversion he add the local GMT +2, but he dont have to because the time is already in GMT +2 so I have change my column type for Timestamp with time zone and now it work perfectly but i think dat if in you doe this it will works maybe $__time(date" +2:00") .